Positive Effects
Coaching & Hypnosis
We Help People Get
Their Shift Together
NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is defined in the in many different ways. Google NLP on the internet and you will see this. I like to define NLP as a set of techniques that take advantage of the mind/body dynamics.
NLP, as founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder was a study of excellence. They wanted to see what made the top people in their fields so excellent at what they did and they also wanted to figure out how they could duplicate this excellence with other people. Fortunately for us, they chose:
Virginia Satir - a family therapist
Fritz Perls – a psychotherapist
Milton Erickson – a hypnotherapist who some call the father of modern hypnotherapy.
In studying these three they not only came up with some wonderful models of communication but also a rapid form of psychological therapy. Oh, and yes, they did come out with some great strategies for modeling excellence in others.
I’ll simplify it even more. NLP is a map (Program) of how the nervous system (Nuero) communicates (Linguistic) internally and externally. Armed with this knowledge, techniques have been devised that makes NLP useful in therapy, counseling, business, sales, relationships, and personal development. NLP is a phenomenal tool.
At Positive Effects Coaching & Hypnosis, we use NLP to achieve the success that you want in a rapid manner. Whether getting over anxiety or stress, or getting rid of an intense fear, or even changing negatiove behaviors, we can help you quickly and permanetly.