Positive Effects
Coaching & Hypnosis
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Recommended Reading

Here’s a list of books and authors that I, Kevin Martin, have personally read. Many of these have been recommended to both my hypnosis and coaching clients.
I've highlighted my top favorites and most recommended titles; however, each book on this list has been included because I believe it's valuable and worthwhile for anyone looking to improve in these areas.
Descriptions are in italics and statements in bold are my thoughts.
Personal/Professional Development
Living Your Dream Life, Simply by Changing Your Perceptions by Kevin Martin
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Peak - Secrets from the New Science of Expertise - by Robert Pool
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Prosperous Coach by Steven Chandler
Supercoach: 10th Anniversary by Michael Neil
The Time Warrior by Steven Chandler
Mindset:The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
From Homeless to Billionaire by Andres Spira
A Happy Pocket Full of Money, Expanded Study Edition: Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now by David Cameron Gikandi
Health Related
The Divided Mind The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders by John E. Sarno
The Divided Mind is the crowning achievement of Dr. John E. Sarno's distinguished career as a groundbreaking medical pioneer, going beyond pain to address the entire spectrum of psychosomatic (mind-body) disorders.​
This is one of my favorites, to Dr. Sarno, the brain (mind) can actually create disorders that show up on tests but are created to distract you from feeling emotions that it does not think you can handle. There is a lot of evidence for his theories and he has solutions that he has tested with hundreds, if not thousands, of patients.
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
The Doctor Who Cures Cancer by William Kelley Eldem
Cancer is Not a Disease by Andreas Moritz
The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Dodge
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Dodge
The New Medicine: Understanding Cancer and Other Biological Programs by Lars Peter Kronlob
Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution by Dr. Steven Gundry
A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence - Jeff Hawkins
A best-selling author, neuroscientist, and computer engineer unveils a theory of intelligence that will revolutionize our understanding of the brain and the future of AI.
I enjoyed this book immensely. It explained a lot of the ‘old brain’ and the ‘new brain’.
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee
The story of cancer is a story of human ingenuity, resilience, and perseverance, but also of hubris, paternalism, and misperception.
Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success by Steve Harvey
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
Flow: Living at the Peak of Your Abilities by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
From Homeless to Billionaire by Andres Spira
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Mental/Mindset Abilities
Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Nearly everyone is familiar with holograms - three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Two of the world's most eminent thinkers believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind.
I think this is a brilliant work that describes a lot of our own phenomena with quantum physics and mechanics. This was inspiring.
Transformation Through Journaling by Zita Stanley
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Blink:The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell
Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
It is now widely recognized that genes and DNA do not control our biology. Instead, they are controlled by signals from outside the cell, including energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. This profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics puts the power to create a healthy, joyous life back in our own hands. This is one of my favorites in this category. It explains this science in easy-to-understand language and is filled with stories and science to back up the author's claims.
The Field by Lynne McTaggart
The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions To Guide You To An Extraordinary Life by Debbie Ford
The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Dodge
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Dodge
An astonishing new science called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, MD, traveled the country to meet both the brilliant scientists championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives they've transformed - people whose mental limitations or brain damage were seen as unalterable. As stated, it is an astonishing read with incredible stories. It really shines a light on what neuroplasticity really is.
Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets by Christopher Lockhead and others
In this farsighted, pioneering guide, the founders of Silicon Valley advisory firm Play Bigger rely on data analysis and interviews to understand the inner workings of "category kings" - companies such as Amazon, Salesforce, Uber, and IKEA - that give us new ways of living, thinking, or doing business, often solving problems we didn't know we had. Insightful and inspirational to those creating new companies. It is also a fun read.
$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi
I took home more in a year than the CEOs of McDonalds, IKEA, Ford, Motorola, and Yahoo….combined….as a kid in my twenties….using the $100M Offer method. It works. And it will work for you.​
This was a recent read of mine. The title threw me off. I was not looking for a wild get rich scheme. The subtitle is really what they book is all about. He gives very practical advice for shaping offers. He does not get into other phases of marketing and sales but has some great stories on his success and the success of others using his method.
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Inspirational story about Jeff Olson’s journey in business including from incredible success to bankruptcy and success again. It includes many practical ideas and techniques to keep you on track.
The Third Door by Alex Banayan
The larger-than-life journey of an 18-year-old college freshman who set out from his dorm room to track down Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, and dozens more of the world’s most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers.
This is an engrossing story that includes real-life suggestions and stories of some of the most successful people.
Built Not Born by Tom Golisano
Tested and proven, no-nonsense advice on how to navigate risk and succeed in all phases of business ownership - written by Tom Golisano, self-made billionaire and founder of Paychex.
I truly enjoyed this book, hearing real practical advice from someone who founded such an enormous company in its field.